Proudly affiliated with the three best Project-based Learning organizations in the world.
Clover Education helps schools and districts create project-based learning (PBL) K-12 pipelines, organize learning walks, implement lab classrooms, and facilitate shared observation practices. We foster communities of educators skilled in the essential elements of PBL implementation.
Clover Education’s founder, Michelle Spencer, has supported the work of:
1. PBL Works by Buck Institute for Education
As National Faculty, Michelle provides 3-day PBL 101 workshops and 1-day support visits to schools, districts, counties and state Boards of Education. She serves grades K-12 while specializing in Career Technical Education (CTE), community impact projects, leadership academies and curriculum design.
2. New Tech Network
Michelle was principal of New Technology High School (NTHS) in Napa, earning Exemplary School and Demonstration Site status. She facilitated professional learning for educators and parents from around the world through a 501c3 non-profit training center.
3. Big Picture Learning
A founding team member of the first charter school in California to open as part of a Bill & Melinda replication grant. Michelle helped students pursue their interests, passions, and authentic work via internships two days a week for all four years of high school.